The right information in the right place at the right time
Whether new employees, new production processes or small batch sizes / lots of different orders - the assembly steps are carried out efficiently and correctly thanks to the graphic step-by-step instructions. The work steps are automatically documented.
The digital assembly instructions are created by you or generated automatically from the customer order by ERP integration. The central creation and management of the interactive instructions makes it possible to greatly reduce the complexity of product variations and to make changes efficiently.
The advantages of digital assembly instructions:
Capture and store knowledge of skilled workers
Quick training of employees through dynamic assembly instructions
Quality assurance even for variants or under time pressure
Secure installation of the correct parts
Avoid test procedures during assembly Rework
Each step is protocolled
The digital assembly workstation

Fixed display
- Employee guidance step-by-step
- Workstation with screen
Mobile devices
- Display work instructions on a tablet
- Flexible use within the production line
Data Glasses/Projector
- Alternative display via projector or data glasses possible.
The assembly instructions are visualized directly in production via touch screens, data glasses or projection on the work surface.
The interactive instructions, broken down to individual work steps, also allow feedback from the workstation, for example for process optimization. Employees feel safe and can concentrate on the essential.
Upcoming assembly orders are displayed from the ERP database at the assembly workstation. The assembly is carried out step-by-step using the graphically displayed instructions. Each operation is evaluated and leads to the next step if executed correctly. The release of electrical tools is precisely controlled. Each operation is counted, evaluated and documented.
The visualization of the assembly steps drastically reduces the training of personnel and exposing them to different assembly jobs. Assembly errors can be practically reduced to 0.
Why should you strive for a paperless assembly process?
In addition to ensuring correct processes and recording data, digital assembly have other valuable advantages. Digital work instructions are created and administrated much faster, more flexibly and more securely than paper-based instructions.
New assembly instructions or updates to existing instructions are created centrally and can be displayed immediately on the shop floor at the correct workstation as needed. In contrast, it is much more time-consuming to create or adapt instructions, print them on paper and distribute the output to the various workstations. You also need to collect and dispose of the older versions.
The same advantages apply if you want to switch between different variants in the assembly. The latest, digital instructions are easy to find in the system. There is no need to print and distribute instructions on paper. Workers follow the correct instructions, mistakes are avoided. This allows to switch from one variant to another much faster.
Take a look at the use case